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View older rumors: 24th day of the Cycle of Earth, 1599
View more recent rumors: Galen Winter Feast, 1600

Rumors Around Town: The 20th day of the Cycle of Ash, 1599
Nobody has seen Hans since he ate all those mushrooms and wandered off into the woods.
This land is cursed!
The Hidden Vixen has a Secret Admirer...
Bronn's been overheard muttering promises of revenge against those he deems responsible for being cut from the town guard. Watch out!
Hans is still nowhere to be seen. The last person to see him claims he was wandering the woods chanting in an unknown language
Word on the Frontier is there's a famous singer holed up somewhere 'round these parts. What, or who, is he hidin' from?
Kelda has a baby... It’s NOT Shealyn’s?!
From recent events it may be possible that the Aknorians are having an orphan crisis
There is a new clan of loc maben coming to Unity, they love to drink and fight, so beware the Red Raven tribe